Phosphoric acid

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Phosphoric acid

It is used to acidify foods and beverages such as various colas. It provides a tangy or sour taste. Various salts of phosphoric acid.

Phosphoric acid may be used to remove rust by direct application to rusted iron, steel tools, or other surfaces. phosphoric acid may be used for dipping, but phosphoric acid for rust removal is more often formulated as a gel. As a thick gel, it may be applied to sloping, vertical, or even overhead surfaces. Different phosphoric acid gel formulations are sold as "rust removers" or "rust killers".

Phosphoric acid is used in dentistry and orthodontics as an etching solution, to clean and roughen the surfaces of teeth where dental appliances or fillings will be placed. Phosphoric acid is also an ingredient in over-the-counter anti-nausea medications that also contain high levels of sugar (glucose and fructose). This acid is also used in many teeth whiteners to eliminate plaque that may be on the teeth before application.